Poster session: iSAP Hamamatsu 2020

iSAP Hamamatsu 2020
HomePast iSAP2022Poster session

Date: 12 (Wed.) October, 2022

Short presentation: 15:45 - 16:45 [Room:HEIAN Ⅰ-Ⅱ (4F)]
Poster session: 17:00 - 18:30 [Lobby (4F)]
1 Gota Yamaguchi
(RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
Hard X-ray phase-contrast microscopy with Wolter III-advanced KB optics
2 Emmanouil Skantzakis
(Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser)
Generation and characterization of energetic highly elliptical extreme ultraviolet radiation
3 Ji In Kim
(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
Post-compression of a 100-TW laser for peak-power enhancement
4 Martin Cimrman
(HiLASE Centre)
Lasing performance of Yb:YAG thin disk with a crystalline coating directly bonded onto silicon carbide heatsink
5 Takuya Matsubara
(The University of Tokyo)
Attosecond optical and Ramsey-type interferometry by post-generation splitting of high-order harmonic pulses
6 Tomoya Yamauchi
(The University of Tokyo)
Time-resolved measurements of N2+ lasing at 391 nm
7 Yu-Chieh Lin
(RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics)
Carrier-envelope-phase-controllable, single-cycle, shortwave infrared optical vortex sources
8 Vineet Bharti
(Institute for Molecular Science)
Ultrafast many-body dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg-excited atomic Mott insulator
9 T. P. Mahesh
(Institute for Molecular Science)
Generation of stable 480 nm ultrafast laser pulses for coherent excitation of giant electronic Rydberg orbitals